If you would like to report unwanted SMS marketing messages to WASPA, please use this link.
What is spam?
- Spam usually means an unsolicited marketing message, which might be an email message, an SMS, or a message sent using some other technology.
What does the law say about spam?
- The Consumer Protection Act (No. 68 of 2008) and the Protection of Personal Information Act (No. 4 of 2013) both contain some restrictions on the sending of spam and on companies selling your personal information to someone else.
- Unfortunately, some of these restrictions have not yet been enacted, meaning that consumers do not yet enjoy blanket protections against receiving spam.
What does the WASPA Code say about spam?
- WASPA’s Code incorporates all of the requirements of these laws, and the Code is binding on members of WASPA and any companies sending messages via a WASPA member.
- This means that WASPA’s members (and their clients) can only send you marketing messages if you are already a customer, or if you have given them permission to do so.
What should I do if I’m getting SMS spam?
- The most effective way to stop unwanted messages is to reply to the message with the word STOP.
- All WASPA members are required to honour STOP requests for marketing messages.
- You may not be charged more than the normal price of sending an SMS for this message.
Should I report spam to WASPA?
- You are welcome to report spam to WASPA using the report SMS scams and spam page on the WASPA website.
- If the spam was sent by a WASPA member, we will try to help stop those messages.
Don’t be scammed!
- Be careful about text messages, pop-up messages and banner adverts which tell you that you need to update software. Don’t be tricked into subscribing to a service.
- If you receive an SMS telling you that you have won the lottery, then someone is trying to trick you. You have not won the lottery.
- If you think you have been tricked, please report this to WASPA. You can also report a potential scam on the WASPA website.
- You can also report serious incidents to the national Cybersecurity Hub.