Jacqui Jones

Jacqui has over 17 years industry experience, while currently holding the position of CEO at one of SA’s top aggregation companies, she has held various titles across several sectors within the MVAS ecosystem. While her main focus is Direct Carrier Billing solutions, she has experience in the creation of digital content/service offerings, marketing and acquisitions as well as other WASP solutions. As part of her duties, she has had the sole responsibility of ensuring industry compliance with the various regulatory bodies within the industry for over 14 years. Jacqui and the Worldplay team have been responsible for scooping a number of industry accolades, including but not limited to “Best WASP” and “Best Digital Services”.

Jacqui has previously held the position of WASPA Treasurer for the period 2016 – 2017, she has also been part of the many WASPA groups throughout the years and continues to be an active WASPA member.

The candidate’s motivation for wanting to serve on the Board

WASPA’s responsibility is not only to protect the consumer through the enforcement of certain code requirements, it is also WASPA’s responsibility to represent the interests of its members and find a sustainable model that serves both consumer and industry.

WASPA membership over more recent years has become known to many as something that is enforced on us by the networks rather than a choice, the reality is that we can either make it work for us through collaboration, or we can leave it to chance and have others parties or outside regulators make our decisions for us, decisions that may very well shape the industry and our businesses. It is therefore in our best interests as members to ensure the success of WASPA.

WASPA at its core is a membership body, with its founding focus being sustainability and growth through collaboration, respect and fair practice by its members. While this may now seem a bit naïve given the current challenges we face, I am of the belief that there are elements of this model that still play a pivotal role in ensuring the longevity of the industry. Our lack of efforts to work together to ensure we still have an industry has recently resulted in incredibly negative media coverage, the outcome being that decisions have been made for us… this has ultimately compromised our sustainability.

Given the opportunity I would like to assist WASPA in boosting membership morale through service, starting with focusing our energies on the biggest threats to our industry, I believe that it is imperative that WASPA provide members with a genuine value proposition.

I would also like to see WASPA play a bigger role in giving back through possible out-reach programmes and charity initiatives. During these tough economic times we could all do with being part of an industry that ultimately gives back to those less fortunate than ourselves.