Simon Nainkin


Profile & motivation

Simon Nainkin has spent over 25 years in the technology, telecoms and wireless industries. Simon is the current VP of Wholesale Messaging at Clickatell having spent many years leading the carrier relations and procurement directives for Clickatell globally.

Simon holds many post graduate degrees having completed his MBA (cum laude) from Stellenbosch Business School. Simon also holds a postgraduate degree in project and program management from University of Cranefield.

Simon is a passionate thought leader and strategist and currently also represents Clickatell at the Mobile Ecosystem Forum (MEF). Simon is also one of the founding members of the working groups at MEF aimed at reducing fraud in the A2P messaging industry working alongside his peers in educating the industry about “artificial inflated traffic” AIT.

Simon is committed to contributing to the education and regulation of the wireless industry globally and locally and is evident is his continued participation at WASPA and MEF among other events. Simon would like to make a long-lasting contribution to the South African Wireless industry to ensure fairness and practices are adopted for all WASP members.

Simon can also bring meaningful global insights and trends from a regulatory perspective in how SMS should be governed from a best practice perspective.